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Friday, March 28, 2008

Word to Wii

The Nintendo Wii is the best thing to happen to video games since… well, the NES. Wii has made video games fun again. All of those complicated first person shooter type games that controlled the video game market pre-Wii began to feel like work! In my opinion, you shouldn’t have to refer to a 500-page strategy guide every two minutes just to play a game. I often used to miss the days of the original Mario Bros. Games, Yoshi’s Island, Donkey Kong Country, etc. The game play could be challenging at times, yet easy enough to master. Thanks to Wii, games like that are being made yet again.

I was SO excited that Christmas when I got my NES. Frantically, I rushed to hook it up to the TV and inserted the Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt cartridge. I was young and didn’t have much experience playing video games – I stunk at it actually. But the thing is, I must have sat there in front on the TV for five hours straight, having a blast the entire time! Years later, I enjoyed SNES the same way. I had fun with my N64 too, but not as much. After that, I strayed away from Nintendo. I went from Playstation, to PS2, and then to Xbox 360. The 360’s graphics look great and I really enjoyed playing it. I had heard about the Wii and seen many commercials for it, but to be honest, I thought it looked kind of cheesy. But after learning about how you can download a ton of original NES games to the virtual console, I knew I had to have one. As new games were being released for Wii, I started to realize how much I enjoyed playing them over 360 games. I really like the fact that a lot of Wii games offer co-op play. It’s nice to play a game with someone who is actually sitting in the same room with you, not someone on the internet a thousand miles away. But the best part about the Wii is the games. The first time I played Super Mario Galaxy, I got that same feeling that I had that Christmas morning many years ago. I feel the same way about Smash Bros. Brawl and even Super Mario Strikers Charged. And I’m sure I’m going to love the new Mario Kart Wii just like I loved the original Mario Kart.

My point is: playing video games shouldn’t feel like work. After working all day you should be able to go home, relax, zone out and play something fun. Games don’t need to be so intense and serious to be entertaining. It may sound silly, but I like playing games that remind me how much fun I had when I was a kid. And thanks to the Wii, there are finally some games out there that can do that. So if you miss how much fun you used to have playing all of those original Nintendo games, then the Wii is probably right for you.

- Krissy

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