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Friday, April 11, 2008

Hiding the bodies...

It takes a lot to get us excited; perhaps a riveting article in the latest edition of Pipe & Slipper monthly, a flash of a lady's garter on the bus on the way to our weekly meeting of the Camden Philatelic Association, or perhaps the gentle, sensual, undulating curve of a sine wave. Never let it be said that we don't know how to party, but what really gets us going is some raucous, fuzzed up guitar invective as ably demonstrated by post-punk noiseniks A Place To Bury Strangers. Stars of this year's SXSW festival, A Place To Bury Strangers are starting to create a splash, the ripples of which will be felt across the various strata of the music industry over the coming months. Make no mistake about it, this band will be BIG. Squalls of feedback, hypnotic bass lines and rigid, mechanized drum machine rhythms courtesy of a real, live drummer collide as one orgasmic whole, the resultant musical potpourri smelling like a potent combination of Jesus & Mary Chain, Kasabian, Sisters Of Mercy, Primal Scream, Sonic Youth and Killing Joke; these guys have it all.Blasting out of NYC at what feels like a million miles an hour, A Place To Bury Strangers were formed from the ashes of neurotic shoegazers Skywave and feature vocalist/guitarist Oliver Ackermann, the charmingly monikered Jono Mofo on bass and Jay Space on drums, and seem hell-bent on kicking out some of the most inventive noise this side of Muse.

The self-titled debut album is out now in the U.S. whilst their first single, the supermassive blackhole of double A sided single 'To Fix The Gash In Your Head/Ocean' is out in the U.K. on May 5th, so consider yourselves duly warned. It seems only right that we leave the last words to one of New York's finest, an anonymous NYPD Officer; "…Let them play one more song before we shut the place down. This band is sick."

Check 'em out at

- gileZ Moorhouse

Check out the video for I Know I'll See You:

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