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Saturday, April 5, 2008


Picture this... the year is 1988, at any elementary or middle school USA. Girls fashions included big hair, stone washed jeans, slouch socks, and anything NKOTB
NKOTB 1988
NKOTB 1988
related. New Kid's merchandise was like crack-cocaine for little girls in the 80's. They couldn't get enough of it! They didn't care how much it cost, they just had to have it. NKOTB made a TON of $$$ peddling junk with their faces on it to little, impressionable girls. For these girls, sporting NKOTB apparel was as normal as watching cartoons on a Saturday morning - it's just what you did. As for their music, we all know it sucked. I think, or I should say thought, that once these girls grew up and realized how talentless NKOTB were, they dropped them like the bad habit that they were. That's probably why when they went out of style, it happened hard and fast. If you were still listening to NKOTB like a week after they weren't cool any more, other kids just knew that you were a total loser. I'm well aware of the fact that everything old becomes new again, especially with music. Cheesy pop tunes from the 80's are "back in". Thing is with the New Kids, they fell so fast and so hard it is unimaginable to think that they could ever make a comeback.


Skip forward 20 years to present day. All of those little girls are grown up now. They have careers, husbands and kids of their own. Instead of cartoons, they watch the news and programs like the TODAY show in the mornings. Well, at least thats what I was watching on Friday morning. To my surprise, the New Kids were on to announce their reunion. I was in disbelief! The announcement itself wasn't shocking - it was how it was received by the audience. The entire plaza was filled with grown-ass women with cameras, standing in the rain, screaming so loud that you could barely make out what NKOTB were saying:

Seriously people? WTF is going on here? How on earth do these guys still have any fans? I have lots of questions about this. It makes me wonder. Instead of school desks yikes!covered with giant stand up buttons of young 80's bubblegum pop guys, will we be seeing offices and cubicles plastered with photos of 40 year old has-beens, 20+ years out of their prime? I know that the state of our nation isn't great when it comes to what people find to be entertaining... but an NKOTB reunion? Maybe if they had a reality show I could understand the hype. Most of the viewers would be watching just to have a laugh. This isn't that. People are actually excited by the thought of new NKOTB music and tour. Personally their excitement makes me want to vomit in my mouth. Thank you for allowing me to rant.

NKOTB 2008, yikes.

- Krissy

Comments are welcomed!

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Blogger StEvO said...

I don't understand a reunion....more like forming another band, now called Old People On The Block.

April 5, 2008 at 6:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my only guess is these middle aged housewives are trying to reclaim a bit of their youth in pretending their lives haven't been a miserable failure.

"oh my god! remember when I had a new kids bedroom?"

-No, I don't remember because I was the lone kid at school made fun of for not liking NKOTB. i had taste even then.


April 6, 2008 at 1:05 AM  

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