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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The State of American Idol

You know you watch it. No one claims that they do, but American Idol is one of the highest rated, most watched television shows of all-time. Oh, ok… you just watch the auditions. That is what the people will admit to watching. Fact is: most people watch it. The statistics don’t lie! If your friends say that they don’t watch American Idol, statically, they are liars. I’m not afraid to admit that I watch it. With that being said, on to my rant…

Undeniably, this year’s American Idol contestants are hands-down the most talented group of individuals that have ever been on the show. So far in my opinion, America has gotten it wrong twice – Michael Johns and Carly Smithson shouldn’t have been voted off so early, but that’s just me talking. Either way, the people who have left and the people that remain are more gifted than in any previous season. My question is: why do they have to pick such crap music to choose from this year?

Simon (who I love – I want to have his ignorant British babies) always uses certain phrases such as: “cruise ship”, “in your bedroom”, “your mom made you do it” to describe “cheesy performances” and I get what he’s saying. He also hates when people, who are competing for a major-label contract sound “karaoke.” The biggest way to avoid being “cheesy” or sounding “karaoke” is to avoid singing songs that would give people that impression. The judges like to use the word “karaoke” to describe covers of songs from artists that can’t be covered. Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Celine Dion are a few that fit that category.

Keep in mind the keywords “cheesy” and “karaoke.” Also keep in mind that these contestants have a select choice of songs to select every week. To get to my point: this year’s theme weeks are really not good for the contestants or the fans of the show. Think about this logically: who is watching and who is voting. How in the eff did Dolly Parton, Mariah Carey, Andrew Lloyd Webber or Neil Diamond help out any of those people competing for a record deal? The above artist’s works were all theme weeks this year and I don’t think the artist selection could have been worst! I’m assuming that these artist were pre-selected, but still: Dolly: who cares, Maria: the judges have been begging people not to do her songs for years, Andrew Lloyd Webber: huh?. And Neil Diamond: talk about cheesy! David Cook can usually pull off whatever is handed to him, but he’s an exception to the rule:

I’ve always assumed that the American Idol audience demographic consisted mainly of young girls and a hand full of senior citizens. I suppose statically I’m wrong, but I believe that those two groups of people are the ones that but the albums. I did work in a music store for 8 years… I sold a ton of Constantine Margoulis’ metal band “Prey For the Soul of Betty” CDs to 12 year olds and elderly women. I suppose that’s beside the point. What I’m trying to say is that the theme weeks this year suck. If Mariah Carey is “uncoverable” and Neil Diamond is “cheesy” why were they selected to have theme weeks? I know they all have something new to promote – that makes sense for them. But how do cheesy karaoke songs promote American Idol or the contestants? Let these artists who have a lot to prove chose their own songs. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want a guy who sounds like Jason Maraz (Jason Castro) sing a song from “Cats”, nor do I want to hear a Carly Simon sound-a-like (Brooke White) sing Mariah Carey. If I’m right about this, let me know. If you disagree, you’re most likely wrong, but I’d like to hear your opinion anyway.

- Krissy

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't watch it! <- not lying!!! ^_-

I don't have t.v.!

May 4, 2008 at 11:51 PM  

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